2013 Pop Anthems: DJ Earworm VS Daniel Kim

It's the time of the year that DJs release their mixes of the most popular songs of pop music. This 2013, we have again DJ Earworm's United State of Pop 2013: Living the Fantasy and Daniel Kim's Pop Danthology 2013. Take a look at both mashups below and tell me which one is better.

DJ Earworm's United State of Pop 2013: Living the Fantasy has 25 songs with a dark but very good intro but somehow the mashup gets lost in the middle and in the end.

Daniel Kim's Pop Danthology 2013 has more songs - 68 to be exact. This mashup sounds much more cohesive although I still think his 2012 mashup was better. I can't blame him though for the many crappy music of 2013.

For me, Pop Danthology 2013 wins it hands down. How about you?

Til then...

xoxo Nash


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