Two new smartphones have been unveiled by LG. The first of which is the G4 Stylus, which is actually a phablet. It packs a 5.7-inch screen of 720p HD resolution. It comes in two variants: the LTE variant, which has a quad-core 1.2GHz processor, and the 3G variant, which has an octa-core 1.4GHz processor. Both variants will come with 1GB RAM, 8GB of expandable internal storage, a 3,000 mAh battery and a Rubberdium stylus. It will be available in two color options: metallic silver and floral white.
Image by LG
The other smartphone that has been unveiled is the LG G4C, which is a compact, pared down version of the G4 flagship. It sports a 5-inch display of 720p HD resolution and a quad-core 1.2GHz processor with 1GB RAM and 8GB of expandable storage space. Imaging-wise, there is an 8-MP rear facing camera with LED flash and a 5-MP front-facing shooter. A 2,540 mAh battery will power the LTE-capable device. It will come in three color variants: metallic gray, ceramic white and shiny gold.
Image by LG
Both LG smartphones will be affordably priced and will run Android 5.0 Lollipop with the LG UX on top.
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