Temple Run 2 Arrives On iOS and Android

The award-winning app developer Imangi Studios has finally announced the sequel to the insanely popular running game Temple Run, which is aptly named Temple Run 2. It's currently available on all iOS 4.2 devices or higher. Android users, on the other hand, would have to wait until Jan 24, 2013.

UPDATE: Temple Run 2 for Android has already been released. There's hardly a difference in gameplay, graphics, and controls from its iOS counterpart.

temple run 2

The game is FREE and builds on the same concept as the original with added better graphics, new location (a temple in the sky), 7 different characters, etc. all without changing the easy to master gameplay.

Here's the universal HD gameplay trailer below:

DOWNLOAD Temple Run 2 for iOS HERE

DOWNLOAD Temple Run 2 for Android HERE


Til then...

xoxo Nash


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