BlackBerry PlayBook to Get BB OS 10 Update

BlackBerry’s chief executive Thorsten Heins has just confirmed that ‘all existing PlayBooks’ will get updated to BlackBerry 10. This is great news for you guys who bought the once ill-fated BlackBerry tablet. With this announcement, BlackBerry has just proven that product and software support is of utmost importance to them, which is good.
blackberry playbook
The 7-inch PlayBook tablet was released in a few versions varying by capacity and connectivity. According to Heins, the company is trying to figure out a way to sell a tablet with services since just selling hardware isn’t really bringing sufficient profits. “We are looking for specific value added services on top of the tablet.” When asked about the company’s goals, Marketing Head Frank Boulben said that BlackBerry wants to quickly become the third biggest name in smartphones.

blackberry playbook


Til then...

xoxo Nash


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