Video Quality: Lumia 928 vs iPhone 5 vs Galaxy S III

With the launch of the Nokia Lumia 928, a teaser page has been published on the site with a video that demonstrates the video recording quality difference between the Lumia 928, the iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S III.

lumia 928
Image by GSMArena
The video is shot on the ‘The Hurricane’ roller coaster in New York through two Lumia 928, one recording the roller coster going around the tracks and one that is on the roller coaster itself. The video then goes on to show comparisons with the other two phones, by freezing the frames at convenient points.

Admittedly, the 928′s video looks the best of the lot. Also, it’s a video made by the phone’s manufacturer. But comparisons aside, the video from the Lumia 928 does look pretty good even in such low light conditions.

It's kinda off that Nokia compared it's unreleased flagship to a Samsung Galaxy S III, which has been released over a year ago.


Til then...

xoxo Nash


Anonymous said...

Interesting :)

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