Movie Review: Minions

Minions is a 2015 American computer-animated film, which serves as a prequel to the Despicable Me franchise. The film stars Pierre Coffin (as the Minions), Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney, Steve Coogan, and Geoffrey Rush. In the United States and Canada, Minions received the widest release for Universal Pictures, the widest of any film for 2015 and the second widest for an animated film. Despite getting mixed reviews from critics, the film can now be considered a box office hit with a haul of more than $200 million (at the time of writing this review). The film is also available in Dolby Atmos and 3D.

The story goes like this: The "revolutionary" minions: Kevin- the leader, Stuart- the rebel and Bob- their lovable little brother left the "Minion Tribes"- which have served their ex-masters, from the famous dinosaur T-Rex to Napoleon the Great; and went seeking for a new "master". Finally, their journey ends in London after being recruited by a female super villain named Scarlet Overkill and her husband Herb in Orlando, who wanted to rule the world. Now, the three minions must face a new challenge: saving all of the Minion tribes from a huge plan of Minion annihilation.

Minions is of family and comedy genre, which runs for approximately 91 minutes. It's rated PG in most countries for action and rude humor. Entertaining is probably the best adjective to describe the movie. It has a lot of comedic scenes but not necessarily funny. The story is very shallow and does not require any form of thinking. Overall, it is good but not good enough. Despicable Me and its sequel are way better. Good thing this movie is targeted to kids, who are much easier to please.

RATING: 3.5 out of 5 STARS


Til then...

xoxo Nash


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